About Us

Monastery Gift Shop is an ecommerce and mail order business owned and operated by the monks of the The Community of Saint Benedict in Enfield, CT. We are dedicated to providing excellent selection, value and service.
"Every purchase made from our online Religious Catalogue directly supports the important work and mission of our Monastic Life of Prayer. We sincerely appreciate your choice to support us in this life-giving work through your purchases." You also support many other religious communities through your purchase whose products we sell on this website store.
Our Abbey Store is a place where the public encounters the monastic tradition. We are pleased to feature the artistic work of local, national and international monastics and artisans. Their work is a share in God’s creation which we believe is a privileged way to touch God’s truth and beauty. This belief governs our choice of books, religious art, and handcrafted items. We hope that you will experience the handiwork of the monks products when you receive your order from us.
Our online store offers a selection of our most popular products, including our delicious monk-made Fudge, Fruitcakes,Whiskey Cakes, famous gourmet chocolates,Our Signature Brand Coffee,  and a variety of monastic gifts from around the world.
If you'd rather place your order over the phone, or have any questions about our products, please call us at 1-860-519-4088.
As always, all profits continue to support the Community of Saint Benedict, a Traditional Benedict Monastic Order of Monks.
The Monks of The Community of Saint Benedict

Our Life:
The Monks of The Community Of Saint Benedict place great importance on their liturgical prayer life which includes Liturgy of the Hours, sung to Gregorian Chant in Latin. Eucharistic Vigils and Compline complemented by daily periods of meditation and silent prayer. Communal Celebration of The Mass.Giving praise to God Our Father through His Son Jesus Christ.

If we were asked what is the mission statement of our community, or even what is the purpose of our existence we would answer: "To lead the best monastic life possible, according to the Rule of St. Benedict and the traditions of the Benedictine Rule."  Prayer and work - Ora et labora, is our Creed.

Please know You certainly can count on our prayers and thankful gratitude for your support as well as your generous help.

If you do not see a product here that you would like, let us know what you would like us to search for you.

*If you do not wish to place an order for our products, but would like to help us in some small way, a donation to the support of the Community would be appreciated. We are in the midst of a building fund for our new retreat center and your help with the completion of this project before Winter would be a real blessing to us all.

Your donation is tax deductible. Thank You.

Visit Us at our Main Website:
Telephone Us At: 860 519 4088
You May email us at:                                                                         

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