Mass & Prayer Requests
All Masses Are Said In The Traditional Latin Rite
A very ancient custom exists of having one or more Masses celebrated for a specific intention.
Mass Requests are accepted for:
- Requiem Mass — Stipend/Offering is $50.00
- A Novena of Masses For A Special Intention — 9 Day Novena Stipend/Offering $100.00
- 30 Day Gregorian Masses — Stipend/Offering $300.00
- Perpetual Mass Enrollment for a Deceased Person — Stipend/Offering $500.00
- Anniversary Mass For Any Occasion — Stipend/Offering $50.00
- A Mass Of Healing For Someone Who Is Sick Or going Through Troubled Times — Stipend/Offering $50.00
Please Contact Us To Schedule Your Mass Request by filling out the form below.
The Mass Stipend/Offering helps the Community to support our Life of prayer.and our work. You may send a check made out to the Community of Saint Benedict to the address below with your Mass Request or submit the form here and click on the SUPPORT US ! button below to pay on line. Thank you for your support we are most grateful.
A Mass Card is provided for all Mass Requests and sent to you or to the individual the Mass is being offered for. Please provide address information for whom your would the Mass card sent.