Benedictine Nuns of Regina Laudis: The original Christmas music was sung as an act of prayer, voices raised to God in worship, rather than as a performance. The Announcement of Christmas carries listeners through the different phases of the season: the four weeks of Advent, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and finally the Epiphany. With selections that range from majestic ensembles to stunning solo pieces, the nuns of Regina Laudis Abbey provides listeners with an unforgettable experience- a musical masterpiece that at once thrills the ears and opens the hearts to the birth of Christ.
Two cd's om this set. 36 Tracks. The following Music Selections: ADVENT 1. In Illa Die - In that day 2. Jucundare - Be glad 3. Ostende Nobis - Show us, O Lord 4. Conditor Alme Siderum - Life-giving Creator of the stars 5. Populus Sion - People of Sion 6. Jerusalem Gaude - Jerusalem rejoice 7. Rorate Caeli - Drop down dew, you heavens 8. O Radix Jesse - O Root of Jesse 9. Ecce Virgo - Behold, a Virgin
THE VIGIL OF CHRISTMAS - DECEMEBER 24 10. Judaea et Jerusalem - Judea and Jerusalem 11. Martyrology - Announcement of Christmas 12. Christe Redemptor - O Christ, Redeemer 13. Primo Tempore - In the former time 14. O Magnum Mysterium - O great mystery 15. Angelus ad Pastores - The angel said to the shepherds 16. Verbum Caro Factum Est - The Word was made flesh 17. Liber Generationis Jesu Christi - The book of the genealogy of Jesus
CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT MASS 18. Dominus Dixit - The Lord said 19. Kyrie IX - Lord have mercy 20. Gloria IX - Glory to God in the highest 21. Tecum Principium - Yours is princely power 22. Alleluia: Dominus Dixit - Alleluia: The Lord said 23. Laetentur Caeli - Let the heavens be glad 24. Sanctus IX - Holy, Holy, Holy Lord 25. Agnus Dei IX - Lamb of God 26. In Splendoribus Sanctorum - In holy splendor
CHRISTMAS AND ITS OCTAVE - DECEMBER 25 - JANUARY 1 27. Genuit Puerpera Regem - The new mother has borne a King 28. Puer Natus - A child is born 29. Multifarie - In myriad ways
SOLEMNITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD - JANUARY 1 30. O Admirabile Commercium - O wondrous exchange 31. Ecce Maria - Behold Mary
EPIPHANY - JANUARY 6 32. Omnes de Saba Venient - All from Sheba shall come 33. Reges Tharsis - King of Tharsis 34. Vidimus Stellam Eius - We saw his star 35. Tribus Miraculis - Three miracles 36. English text of the Announcement of Christmas
Two cd's om this set. 36 Tracks. The following Music Selections: ADVENT 1. In Illa Die - In that day 2. Jucundare - Be glad 3. Ostende Nobis - Show us, O Lord 4. Conditor Alme Siderum - Life-giving Creator of the stars 5. Populus Sion - People of Sion 6. Jerusalem Gaude - Jerusalem rejoice 7. Rorate Caeli - Drop down dew, you heavens 8. O Radix Jesse - O Root of Jesse 9. Ecce Virgo - Behold, a Virgin
THE VIGIL OF CHRISTMAS - DECEMEBER 24 10. Judaea et Jerusalem - Judea and Jerusalem 11. Martyrology - Announcement of Christmas 12. Christe Redemptor - O Christ, Redeemer 13. Primo Tempore - In the former time 14. O Magnum Mysterium - O great mystery 15. Angelus ad Pastores - The angel said to the shepherds 16. Verbum Caro Factum Est - The Word was made flesh 17. Liber Generationis Jesu Christi - The book of the genealogy of Jesus
CHRISTMAS MIDNIGHT MASS 18. Dominus Dixit - The Lord said 19. Kyrie IX - Lord have mercy 20. Gloria IX - Glory to God in the highest 21. Tecum Principium - Yours is princely power 22. Alleluia: Dominus Dixit - Alleluia: The Lord said 23. Laetentur Caeli - Let the heavens be glad 24. Sanctus IX - Holy, Holy, Holy Lord 25. Agnus Dei IX - Lamb of God 26. In Splendoribus Sanctorum - In holy splendor
CHRISTMAS AND ITS OCTAVE - DECEMBER 25 - JANUARY 1 27. Genuit Puerpera Regem - The new mother has borne a King 28. Puer Natus - A child is born 29. Multifarie - In myriad ways
SOLEMNITY OF THE MOTHER OF GOD - JANUARY 1 30. O Admirabile Commercium - O wondrous exchange 31. Ecce Maria - Behold Mary
EPIPHANY - JANUARY 6 32. Omnes de Saba Venient - All from Sheba shall come 33. Reges Tharsis - King of Tharsis 34. Vidimus Stellam Eius - We saw his star 35. Tribus Miraculis - Three miracles 36. English text of the Announcement of Christmas