Christmas Chants From The Benedictine Abbey of Solemes France:
'The most famous and 'authentic' recordings of Gregorian chant for generations have been those made by the Solesmes monks.'' --The Boston Globe
''The music is utterly magnificent and the singing of this great choir is thrilling beyond words...it's better to starve to this music than to live without it.'' --Classic CD
''Solesmes sets the standard for Gregorian chant performance.'' --American Record Guide
Track Listings
Disc: 1
1. Introit Dominus Dixit II
2. Gradual Tecum Principium II
3. Alleluia Dominus Dixit VIII
4. Offertory Laetentur IV
5. Communion In Splendoribus VI
6. Responsory Sancta II
7. Sequence Laetabundus VI
8. Hymn Christe Redemptor I
9. Introit Puer VII
10. Ambrosian Gloria
11. Gradual Viderunt V
12. Alleluia Dies Sanctificatus II
13. Response Tui Sunt IV
14. Communion Viderunt I
15. Hymn A Solis Ortus III
16. Trope Ecce Nomen V