Gregorian Chant Anthology Abbey of Solomes France:
This anthology is of great interest as the contents are in liturgical order, following the principal seasons (Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, and Marian Feasts) representing the entire liturgical year. The beautiful Gregorian chant illumunates the liturgical texts, inviting the listener to contemplate the life of Christ and the foundation of the church.
26 Total CD Tracks / Time 74:08 Min.
Pur, Amrbrosian Gloria, In Spendoribus,Christi Redemptor,Eccenomen Domini,Nos Autem, Christus Factus, Ubi Caritas, Pange Lingua, Tenebrae, Vexilla Regis, Ecce Quomodo, Christus resogens, Haec dies, Pascha nostrum, Victimae paschali, Ad Coaenam, Exultemus, Salve Dies, Salve Sancta Parens, Kryrie, Benedicta, Regina Caeli, Te Deum, The Bells of Solesmes
Additional Information On This One Of A Kind Gregorian Chant CD
This overview will provide more enjoyment for the experienced listener while making a splendid introduction to the beauty of Gregorian chant for the novice. Throughout the anthology the unique interpretive insights that are the hallmark of Solesmes' recordings are carefully preserved.